Saturday, November 17, 2007


I hella worked out today. I burned about a gazillion calories, more than I could have possibly consumed in a day. Drinks and socializing the night before, drinks and celebrations immediately after. Bonus: I got to take pictures this evening, and I wasn't the one who dropped the camera! Bonus #2: I told Lawrence The Psychiatrist all about my crazy, incredibly and unusually lucid dream of the night before, and not only didn't he charge me a fee or roll his eyes, he didn't even declare me totally nuts! At least not to my face. AND, he even validated me by saying, "that must have been really scary!" On top of all of that, tomorrow I have a massage. Then I only have to work 3 days (actually, Wednesday's only a half-day). Then I get to go to Baltimore for Thanksgiving, my absolute favorite holiday in the whole wide world, because it's all about food (specifically, mushroom stuffing) and movies, and hanging out with family and quasi-family. Plus, I'll see Amy and Steve, who both happen to be coming to Baltimore from the "deep south" (I wonder if they're republicans now).

I can barely stand it.

I might be really depressed on Sunday. Oh no. I definitely will. I'm not going to think about it!


Anonymous said...

Dwight says drinking the night before a big workout or long distance thing isn't a good idea. It shuts down your metabolizationism of caloric and fat entities in your body the next day. However, if you do it immediately before exercise, it's OK. Except for the dehydration and vertigo you might encounter.

Larry H said...

This is all very exciting! Huzzah!

Laura said...

Yes, larry h, but I wish you'd give me permission to post your other comment. It was tres sweet.


Get Smart! Steve Carrell is going to play Max! YAY!

Laura said...

And Larry, I just discovered your blog. And it's funnier than mine. Cut that out.

Sammyl69 said...

excuse me Miami is not in the south. Its so far south its below the south. Wait its not even in the US!