Tuesday, November 6, 2007


My new favorite word.

E.g. "Laura. You no longer have that splotch of blonde in your hair. You could not possibly look any less like Bette Midler. Do you want to drive my brand new Ford F150 4x4 until you get bored, and then I'll drive it?"

There was a health fair at work yesterday - free flu shots. I've been getting over a cold (which I am loathe to say, because only a few weeks ago I told a table full of people that I never get sick, and they were really impressed), but the waiver thingy said nothing about colds. It said not to get a shot if you had a temperature, which I was pretty sure I did not (hullo!). So I got the shot (the nurse did not have a very nice bedside manner - I told her to tell me when she was going to stick me, and she said, 'oh, just look over there' all irritated-like), and then later, I suddenly started coughing alot, and so of course I worried that I was now coming down with the flu because my immune system was compromised, so of course I called Mom The Nurse, whose immediate response was, "why the hell did you get a flu shot when you're sick?!"

What's with these modern-day nurses and their attitudes?

I've been feeling my struggling body build antibodies ever since. I slept nine (nine!) hard hours, waking at one point with a killer sore throat, which was gone when I re-awoke. I'm a "test case" in my department at work. No one else in my suite wanted to get a flu shot (they think it'll either cause the flu, or be way too "strain-specific" to prevent it). They're all watching me very carefully. I thought about faking convulsions, but I decided against it: someone might call a nurse to the scene. The horror!

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