Saturday, November 3, 2007

Buses, Wineries, and Restaurants

I usually walk to work, but I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I took the bus. As I was depositing my fare (with at least a couple people behind me), the driver singled me out for a conversation....

Driver: You're not from California.

Me: No, East Coast. Why?

Driver: Please don't take offense. You just have that East Coast, Barbara Streisand look.

I think she may have been confusing Barbara with Bette?!

Either way: UGH!

I figure the problem
must be with my hair, so I totally changed my haircolor today. As I was getting Spanked (my hair salon is called "Spank"), I told Angela, my stylist, that I was getting a lot of "you remind me of [insert name of uncool older Jewish female singer here]". She laughed, and said, "Don't feel bad. The other day, I got Celine Dion." And she's, like, super cool and trendy, so I felt a little better. She then assured me (after I looked in the mirror, at the results, and asked) that I did not resemble Bette Midler. Angela, did you ever know that you're my hero?

In the afternoon/evening, I went to help bottle wine at a Bobby's winery. It was a 2003, cabernet mostly, with some zinfandel thrown in. We tasted as we bottled (I'm surprised nothing broke), and then we got to go to Lanesplitters for pizza and more wine! And beer! Kathryn and I got in big trouble for taking matters into our own hands and pulling 8 chairs up to an empty table that was only slated for 6, or some such thing. Bobby got a little upset at us for causing problems, because he's a regular, and they weren't charging us a corking fee, but we were quite buzzed, and we'd been waiting for close to an hour at the bar to get seated! Anyway, it was tres fun getting into big trouble with Kathryn.

And here I am with a head cold and wine headache. Oh dear. I have to go to sleep now.

P.S. I met someone, at the bottling gathering, who's from Alaska! I've never met anyone from Alaska!

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