But I've been informed that I'd misunderstood (I had to totally re-write this post! I was being too hard on the guy in cyberspace anyway. 6'2"/190 lbs is not necessarily ectomorphic.), and that the diagram was in fact a direct response to my "Elmo Doesn't Know" (a video making its way around YouTube right now) reaction. BFF had enjoyed the video, and he'd sent me the link.
My reaction was, "cut the chick out of the background". Apparently that was the wrong reaction, but she looks totally bored:
Oh. Hahahahaha! Good post. The visual bagel metaphor was actually in response to your watching the incredibly clever, amazingly amateur-written "Elmo doesn't know" way-catchy-song and video, and all you had to say was that he should've cropped the annoying chick out of the background.
You could give pseuedo-ecto-dude a chance, but I like Pixar dude better.
Hi! This is Eric Conor, the writer and performer of "Elmo Doesn't Know!" I just thought it was cool that to see my song on your blog so I thought I'd say hello.
The "annoying girl" is my cousin. You are not the first to point her out either:-) Her sister is filming me and you might know her sister from youtube as Iheartslug.
I have the opposite problem that you do. I always ignore the holes and redflags until I'm neck deep in a crappy relationship. However I am in a great one now. You can listen to "Cliche" and "Carol's Song" on youtube to understand the sentiment:-) Have a great day!
How cool is this?!?!
Thanks for stopping by, Eric, and it's nice to virtually meet you.
FWIW, my BFF didn't think your cousin looked bored at all. Said he: "At times it looked like she was rocking out, but doing this weird thing with her head and neck. Elmo doesn't know how she really felt about it, but I, (name removed to protect the innocent), know she loved it!"
"Cliche" brought up some video of female wrestlers in bikinis. I'll have to do some more digging.
That is soooo coool, Laura. Eric, I think you're brilliant and have been nudging Elmo-friendly peeps to watch and listen and learn from your song. I thought only toddlers and parents were familiar with Elmo. I know of Elmo through knowing some toddlers, not of my own.
Laura, Cliche is here:
Carol's song:
I haven't listened to them yet, but will.
Aww. I like the "Happy Birthday Carol" at the end. Standing O.
Well thanks for the support! You rock! Great blog by the way, very fun to read:-)
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