I lost one of my favorites a couple weeks ago. Today, when I came home from work, it was sitting on the ledge outside my apartment building by the mailboxes. Someone must have seen it on the ground and placed it there so I'd see it. As I reunited it with its lonely twin, I imagined the two were all giggly and happy to have found each other, but I couldn't actually hear any of the rejoicing, probably because the earings are so small that they giggle at too high a frequency for the human ear (though they dangle from it just fine).
My Good Friend Margaret
...moved from Rockridge back to Knoxville, Tennessee over a couple years ago now. Wow. I can't believe it's been that long. Her husband still has some business ties here, and she let me know that she was coming into San Francisco for a whrlwind trip. The conversation as we were firming up plans to meet for a drink:
Margaret: So where are you living now?
Me: I'm living in Lake Merritt.
Margaret: What? You're living in your Camaro? What are you talking about, man? You don't even have a Camaro. And now you're living in your car? You're a lawyer!
It was great to see her.
Wendy's Gloves
Thought I'd left them on the bar at Trader Vic's last night (I was using them to hold my cold beer), so I went back there tonight after my massage and had them search high and low; turns out Wendy had gotten them back from me somehow (I don't remember handing them to her, only putting them down to eat my ahi tuna/mercury/oil spill sandwich). They say mercury affects brain function....
My Hiking Poles
...are back in my possession, but actually, they were never really lost (though honestly I thought they'd come back to me mangled beyond repair, if at all). I'd lent them to Beckythewonderaccupressurist for her hike up Mt Kilimanjaro over New Years, on the condition that she get a photo of them on the mountain. Becky did in fact summit (she only puked on the way down) and she assures me a photo was taken (hopefully not at that moment).

When'djew get a camirro, hon? I'll bet you can floor it drivin thru Napliss, an snap yer headback. Just be careful in case there's amblances around.
Don, if you were REALLY from Maryland, your name would be "Deewn". That's how I know you're an imposter. But I'd take it as a valuable method acting lesson. Even celebrities like Alyssa Milano get it wrong sometimes.
All, deeew respect, that makes no sense. Whoever heard of a guy named Deewn before? I think someone musta slipped somethin in yer arnjuice, or sprinkled somthin on yer colleyflare at lunch. It's downey oshun, like when it's summertime an you lay out for an err in Ayshun City. You'd never say deewny oshun. At least not anywhere's near the Allanic oshun.
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