Friday, September 12, 2008

Speaking volumes

I spent this past Labor Day on a group ride. I figured it would be warm, and I was hungover from way too much Pinot at Frecky's wedding the day/night before, so I brought out the big guns for this one:

Two 24 oz. insulated Polar water bottles.

I got them at the start of summer, because they were on sale at pretty much every bike shop I entered. And because they now had all kinds of nifty colors. And
mainly because of a haunting memory: I'd gone on a sweltering July 4 ride last summer (my first summer on a bike) with some other folks, and when we got to the top of Pinehurst, the guy with the insulated bottles still had an ice-cold beverage in his bottle cage. The rest of us had hot water. Except me. I had nothing left at all. And so he shared his ice-cold beverage with me. Yeah!

Before you go out and buy yourself an insulated Polar water bottle, I feel compelled to warn you about the "Insulated Bottle Jealousy" phenomenon. It's very real.

People will look you in the eye and ask you doubtfully whether they work. Then, when you tell them they do, the look of skepticism will deepen, and they will
inform you that they are taking your brand new Black Sheep water bottle, the one with your name on it that you got for your Black Sheep Adventures trip, the one you were going to use to replace your "so 2007" Black Sheep water bottle from last year's trip, and they'll say it's because they lost theirs, and then they'll guck it all up and say the bottle cage did it and never give it back to you.

And some people will say, as they did on the ride this past Labor Day (after you killed both bottles in about 5 seconds because you were so dehydrated and asked the group oh so vulnerably for a re-
fuelling stop at the next opportunity):

You know, it doesn't really hold 24 oz.

And you'll be alarmed, dismayed, and appalled.

It says 24 oz. right on the bottle!
you'll shout. I'm alarmed! Dismayed! Appalled! They wouldn't lie right on the bottle!

There will be snickers. Some smartass will mention Atlanta (never mind). No one will believe in the
fabulousness of your bottles.

And then you'll be glad you happened upon this post after your AA meeting, because you'll just send them this video:

*pause for "clean room" laboratory preparations, perfectly legal music download, and professional studio-editing of video production*


MoMoneyHoney said...

please tell me you made that video yourself! freakin hilarious.

Anonymous said...

tap tap tap tap tap tap ..... TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP hahahahaha!! j.

Laura said...

Hee. Thanks Morgan. Yup, that was a Blognuggets production.

And that has to be Jen... (c: