Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not the most mundane week...

1. I turned thirty-*unintelligible*.

2. At my birthday party, I received a marriage proposal, from not one person, but two people, both of whom I adore ("Will you marry us?"). I said yes.

3. This morning, I managed to turn what I'd thought would be a flat 8-mile run (that I was worried about being able to finish) into a 9-mile run on rollers, without hating life. In fact, it felt fantastic. But I'm glad I grabbed that extra Gu when we started. Paradise Loop: It's not just for cyclists anymore. Then: brunch at Sam's! I ordered Eggs Benedict. I've never ordered Eggs Benedict before! It was fluffy and amazing. I couldn't believe how amazing. Wendy said, "Of course it's amazing. It's Eggs Benedict. I'd have ordered it myself...if it weren't such a dietary disaster." Doh. And on the way to the car, Judy informed Marc and me that there is, in fact, no protein in beer. Which makes it difficult to rank as the world's best post-workout recovery drink. Said we, "But are you sure?"

4. Beth began turning her cross bike into a road bike for me to use while I await my new one (the latest: first week of June). Maybe I'll actually ride this month after all!


beth bikes! said...

beer + hot dog (or smart dog for me, cause i am veggie loser) is the perfect post workout food.

so i figured out how to change the cassettes all by myself and some online tutorial. tomorrow night i am going to change the wheels, pedals, clean the chain, and presto-- you will be done. i will call you!

Laura said...


place_holder said... should have kept the pearly cross bike as it was and ride it on a trail, way more fun.

Laura said...

Well, I'll just have to ponder that possibility! It's reversible, after all....