***Post-race update***
Guess who totally sucks at goldsprints and probably got the slowest time in the history of the event, without ever having chugged any beer?! Me! But my teammates Lauren and Carol were awesome (Carol almost came from behind for a win).
And Beth won the whole thing!!! In a Team Oakland kit! Time to join TO, Beth!
I was going to go as an alternate/cheerleader for Team Oakland, but ended up riding for Mel, who'd come down with the flu. So the masses don't know my real name, which is cool considering my performance. But poor Mel! Anyway, as I was tightening the toe cages as much as possible and raising, lowering, raising, lowering, raising, lowering the seat (I was a little nervous), the head guy was all, "You're not Mel!" And I'm all, "I know!" And he's all, "Where's MEL?!" and I'm all, "She's SICK!" And he's all, "BULLSHIT!" like I was some sort of ringer, which was hilarious, because Mel could sprint circles around me, but I was briefly flattered. He was just pretending to be mean, anyway. Earlier he'd seen me stuffing toilet paper in my ears and covering them with my fingers because the music was so loud, so he came up to me and said, "Would you like some earplugs? I know we have some around here somewhere, I'll go find you some." And sure enough, he did, even though he was quite busy with his event and whatnot.
your problem was there was no chugging. had it been chug and sprint, you would have SCHOOLED the competition.
Weird. I thought you were biking around outside of Sports Basement and the stage/platform thingy was just for after-race (or leg) ceremonies like they do in the Tour de France. I had to discover from one of your teammate's blogs that you were actually racing on bikes that were attached to the platform! HAHAHAHAHA!! I mean, you can't really lose if you start and end the race in the exact same position as everyone else.
You won! You won!
How can Mel sprint circles around you if she's so delicate as to get the flu after simply posing on the hood of a car with a beer like she was a beer bikini model or something?
Is there a Tour du Lake (Merritt)? I'd come out to see that. Tour du Lake race heats, followed by organic party at my Whole Foods. Yay!
Wow, this sounds so cool! Now, is this track racing - like with a fixie track bike?
It's a fixie/track bike, but it's bolted down in front and on rollers in back (no track). So it's roller racing.
Sheesh, all that work and you don't go anywhere! ;0) Good for you though. (If you check our blog you can see my big, pregnant ass mountain biking - on the novice trails of course. Nothing like the fun you are having. You are having fun, yes?)
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