Monday, October 29, 2007

The Pinky Swear

I couldn't go see the new Steve Carrell movie with my Movie Husband on Friday, and he couldn't go see it with me on Saturday. So I went without him.

Long email string short, we now have a pact, memorialized by an in-person pinky swear after Michael Clayton (executed in the movie theater parking lot while pouring over my poorly organized VW Golf manual in poorly lit conditions, and figuring out how to hand-crank my completely frozen half-open sunroof back to the closed position) to see every Steve Carrell movie made from now until the end of time together, unless one of us consents to the other person seeing it outside the pact.

Movie restrictions are highly risky endeavors. I'd once promised the new Bond movie to someone, and my whole family got mad at me because we went for our traditional Thanksgiving Day "mom's-yelling-at-us-for-loitering-in-the-kitchen-while-she's-trying-to
-cook-especially-Hal-who's-snacking-on-all-the-ingredients" Movie Outing, and of course everyone wanted to see that, and my brother said, in his infinite wisdom, "you should never, ever promise to see a movie with someone" as we went in to see Bounce instead (I didn't mention that I'd already seen Bounce. I'd caused enough problems.)

But a pinky swear is a pinky swear......


Anonymous said...

What is the likelihood of your family wanting to see a Steve Carrell movie on Thanksgiving? I think you could've informed everyone that you had seen Bounce, since it wasn't that great to begin with, and being willing to sit through it a second time for family holiday harmony...well, you're an awfully sweet but sacrificial lamb. Did the family actually like Bounce? And what are they saying now that the cat is out of the bag and on your blog? Hello, Anon? Meow?

Laura said...

Yeah, I think I'm safe with the Steve Carrell thing. I think they liked Bounce. There was a really funny scene involving nicotine gum. I may have confused a Bond movie with a Mission Impossible movie, however. I can't remember, it was years ago. Anyway, I'm sure they don't love me anymore NOW. Oops.

Unknown said...

Aww, who could ever stop loving you, Lawa. Hey, one of the hyphenated words got cut off between "trying-to" and "especially-Hal".

Laura said...

You can't see "cook"? I see "cook" on mine. This reminds me of the time in 10th grade English class when Matt Woolston was asked to read some passage from some book out loud, and he said "sub-tle" and the teacher's all, "Matt, it's pronounced 'suttle'.", and Matt's all, "Oh. Mine has a 'b' in it.

Unknown said...

That's really funny. No, I can't see "cook." BTW, what ingredients is Hal prone to eating that are supposed to be part of the Thanksgiving dinner? Uncooked stuffing? Chopped celery? Condensed milk for the yet to be cooked pumpkin pie?

Laura said...

Can you see it now? Well CAN YOU?!

Uncooked stuffing is not out of the question. But I was thinking more of, like, the marshmallows sitting on the counter before she's placed them on top of the sweet potatoes.

Unknown said...

Yes, I can see it now. I CAN!! Yay!!

OMG, your mom makes sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows too!! I think my mom used to use the recipe out of the Good Housekeeping Cookbook, which called for boiling fresh, peeled sweet potatoes in orange juice. It's yummy AND vegan. Except for the butter. Unless it's from vegan cows. Right?

Laura said...

Right. Or unless it's Tofutter (butter made from the Tofilk of an imitation cow). But only if the imitation cow was free-range and got Tofilked by Tofarmers (if you want to get technical).