Sunday, August 24, 2008

Giving it time.

Ran a 9-mile trail race yesterday. I got 5th out of 13 in my age group. Well it was really 6th, because Courtenay would have easily won our age group if she hadn't been so far off the front that she'd gotten lost, tacking on an additional 2.5 miles.

Solidly mediocre. That's OK, I'm still in the beginning stages of my running training plan, such as it is (I have no running training plan). Not that I'd be any better over time, but I did notice that if I'd been a year older, I'd have won the 40-49 age group. Heehee.

I stretched during the awards ceremony/raffles (I had my camera at the ready, but they didn't pronounce Courtenay the winner of her 11.5 mile race, because there wasn't supposed to be an 11.5 mile race, but I think they should have made one, retroactively), thinking how brilliant I was to do so, because I wouldn't be sore the next day. Then, I realized I was right near Target, so I decided to go pick up some stuff. I stopped at B Cubed* (next door) first, and sat on all 4 floor models of their massage chairs, rotating through for about an hour, staring into space and holding a pillow that I ended up not buying because I was way too relaxed to stand in line, and did I really need a stupid pillow? And then I ultimately decided to skip Target because did I really need to go to stupid Target?

I was terribly sore this morning when I hobbled out of bed (My quads! No fair, I stretched!
My heel! My heel?? That's a new one.) to prepare for a ride arranged with Mel when she'd called me at midnight, after a drink-filled evening. But it turns out, you use different muscles to ride, so it was actually OK. You do use the same electrolytes though; my thirst was insatiable.

*Bed, Bath, and Beyond


Andrea said...

you know, himgan and I were suggesting to ourselves last night, while watching the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics, that maybe there should be Olympics for the Average. There are games for the Super-Athletes, and there are the Paralympics. But what about us people in the middle? Gold for the mediocre. YOU'D HAVE WON!

Laura said...

Yeah! Or I could have just said I was 40. If it works at the Olympics....

Audra Marie Dewitt said...

Oh my oh my!!! We must run together soon...

I was camping this weekend, so I missed the race email otherwise I would have gone.

But still...I'm excited you're running.


Pam & Steve Johanson said...

Jeez, ONLY 9 miles off road?!! ;0) --Pam